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Tilsley College

Welkom bij Tilsley College

Our mission is to nurture and encourage Christian men and women in their walk with Jesus Christ, equipping them to serve God effectively and for his glory in today’s multi-cultural world. We hope to achieve this by deepening their understanding of the Bible, promoting Christlike character, and developing ministry gifts and skills. This is expressed in a summary mission statement: Equipping God’s people for God’s work in God’s world.

Wij zijn lid van de volgende evangelische allianties of associaties

Tilsley's students come from all over the world, from different cultures and church backgrounds - but all with a desire to learn how to serve God better
Tilsley's students come from all over the world, from different cultures and church backgrounds - but all with a desire to learn how to serve God better
Tilsley College is situated in Motherwell in Scotland on the site of the GLO Centre, with its own bookshop, coffee shop and conference centre.
Tilsley College is situated in Motherwell in Scotland on the site of the GLO Centre, with its own bookshop, coffee shop and conference centre.
Equipping God's People for God's Work in God's World
Equipping God's People for God's Work in God's World