Een zoekbare meerder talige database van evangelische bijbelscholen - en Bijbel, pastorale, theologische en zendings trainings programmas , cursussen en wereldwijde bronnen - die je helpen om de Heer te dienen.

LFTW (Life For The World Trust)

Welkom bij LFTW (Life For The World Trust)

To provide Bible based professional addictions training for local churches and Christian projects. To see churches better equipped to take the gospel into their communities. This work of equipping the church has led to the development of our professional training courses. All LFTW courses have a clear Christain foundation, and they are also in-line with professional standards and in the case of our Certificate Course has University validation. This training and support ministry has extended into Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and into South East Asia.

Wij zijn lid van de volgende evangelische allianties of associaties