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Precept Ministries International

Welkom bij Precept Ministries International

Precept Ministries International (PMI) is dedicated to teaching people how to study the Word of God for themselves by using the inductive method of observation, interpretation, and application. Our mission is to establish people in God’s Word, and thereby help them to live as exemplary followers of Jesus Christ, who study the Bible inductively, view the world biblically, and serve the church faithfully in the power of the Holy Spirit. Our seminars as well as our materials are designed to help the student discover the truths of a Biblical text or topic for themselves. They provide a practical, transferable approach to Bible study, enabling the student to use the inductive method as the foundation and basis for preparing sermons and Bible lessons, while at the same time providing him with skills needed to train other Christian workers.

Wij zijn lid van de volgende evangelische allianties of associaties