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OM International

Welkom bij OM International

Missions Discipleship Training (MDT) is an intensive training programme aimed at equipping you for a missional life wherever God calls. We help you grow in your journey as a follower of Christ through four key areas: Community life - We live in a vibrant international community, learning how to celebrate our diversity and grow together. Mentoring - We desire for you to discover who you are in Christ and all that He has prepared in advance for you to do, by expanding your world view and preparing you for service. Training - Our programme will take you through a discipleship module, engaging you with the spiritual disciplines and cover an introduction to missions. Outreaches - You will travel in a van on outreaches across Europe to a variety of vibrant communities of Jesus followers that God is using to build His Kingdom.

Wij zijn lid van de volgende evangelische allianties of associaties