A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
IGW Zürich Switzerland 1 www.igw.edu
Indian Christian Research Organization Trivandrum India 0 www.icro-india.org
Indian Institute of Missiology Tamil Nadu, India 1
iNet Trust London United Kingdom 0 www.inet-trust.org
Institut Biblique Baptiste de Moretan Lome Togo 10
Institut Biblique de Nogent sur Marne Nogent sur Marne France 0 www.ibnogent.org
Institut Biblique et Missionnaire Emmaus - Switzerland 1 -
Institut Biblique Maranatha Bobo Dioulasso Burkina Faso 1 www.burkinaalliance.org/MBI.html
Institut de Théologie Évangélique Esdras ( ITEE) Bangui Central African Republic 0 www.feef.org
Institut Evangelique Education - Appui Conseil International Atlantique Benin 1 crmaieeaci.store
Institut für Gemeindebau und Weltmission (IGW) Deutschland Essen Germany 1 www.de.igw.edu
Institut Missiologique du Sahel (IMS) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso 5 www.IMSahel.org
Institut Théologique du Soir Paris France 1 www.itsparis.org
Institute for the Development of Languages and Translation 00100 Nairobi Kenya 2 sil-africa-lps.org/
Institute for Theological Education by Extension in India SILIGURI, WB INDIA India 4
Institute of Biblical Leadership and Skills training Kabwe, Central Province, Lusaka Zambia 0
Institute of Middle East Studies at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Maten Lebanon 1 www.abtslebanon.org/mrel
Instituto Avancado de Teologia Miesperanza Piúma Brazil 2 www.miesperanza.org.br
Instituto Bíblico de Sofala Beira, Sofala Mozambique 0
Instituto Biblico Misión de Dios P.R. Canovanas Puerto Rico 0
Instituto Bíblico Português S. Antão do Tojal Portugal 2 www.ibp-aee.org/
Instituto Missionário Palavra da Vida Benevides-PA Brazil 0 www.pvnorte.com.br
Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango Lubango, Huila Angola 3 hopeforangola.org/
INTEP (Instituto Teológico Práctico) | y: Río-para-Cristo Pucallpa Peru 1
International Apostolic Bible College Kolding, Syddanmark Denmark 4 www.iabc.dk
International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS) 1061 AX Amsterdam Netherlands 1 www.ibts.eu/
International House of Prayer University Grandview, MO United States 8 www.ihop.org/eschool
International Institute of Missions and Biblical Studies P.O.Box 11334 Enugu Nigeria 2 iimbs.com.ng
International Leadership University Nairobi Kenya 1 www.kenya.ilu.edu/
International Reformed University and Seminary California United States 0 www.iruniv.org/
International Training Alliance Galapagar United Kingdom 1 https://wetrainleaders.org/
International Training Network Christchurch United Kingdom 7 www.itnuk.com
Internationale Hochschule Liebenzell Bad Liebenzell (Baden-Württemberg) Germany 5 www.ihl.eu
InToMission Gelderland Netherlands 0 www.intomission.nl
IPC Theological Seminary Kottayam Kerala India 1 www.ipcseminary.com
Irish Baptist College Moira United Kingdom 4 www.irishbaptistcollege.co.uk
Israel College of the Bible Jerusalem Israel 10 www.israelcollege.com
Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano Roma Italy 2 www.ibei.it/
ISTL International Seminary of Theology and Leadership Lufingen Switzerland 1 www.istl.ch
ITEEN Institute for Theological Education by Extension in Nepal Kathmandu Nepal 5 www.iteen.org.np
Jerusalem University College Ohio Israel 5 WWW.JUC.EDU
Jesus College, Kathmandu International University Kathmandu Valley Nepal 0 www.himalayanmission.com
Jesus Kingdom Ministries Caprivi region Namibia 0
Johnson University Florida Kissimmee, FL United States 15 www.JohnsonU.edu/FL
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary Amman Jordan 7 www.jets.edu
Jubilee Centre CAMS United Kingdom 1 www.jubilee-centre.org
Jubilee Memorial Bible College Chennai, Tamilnadu India 3 www.jmbc.ac.in
Jubilee Training Centre (Jubilee Church) Maidstone United Kingdom 1 www.jubileetc.org.uk
Judson Education Center aka Judson Bible College Laurel United States 1 www.judsonbiblecollege.us
Judson Education Center aka Judson Bible College Elkridge, MD United States 2 www.jecbc.org
Justo Mwale Theological University College Lusaka Zambia 1 www.justomwale.net
Kairos Connexion Liverpool United Kingdom 1 https://www.kairosconnexion.org
Karnataka Institute of Theology Bangalore, Karnataka India 2 www.agkit.in
Kentucky Mountain Bible College Jackson, KY United States 20 www.kmbc.edu
Kenya Bible Theological College Limuru Kenya 1 https://www.kbtc.ac.ke/
Kenya Highlands Evangelical University Kericho Kenya 1 www.khbc.ac.ke/
Kerala Christian Theological Seminary Kerala India 2 www.pvalexanderministries.org/seminary
Kerala Theological Seminary Kottarakara, Kerala India 4 www.ktseminary.org
Kima International School of Theology Maseno Kenya 3 www.kimaisot.com/
King's Evangelical Divinity School Broadstairs, Afghanistan 4 www.kingsdivinity.org/
Kingdom School Delhi India 0
KingsGate Community Church Peterborough United Kingdom 0 www.kingsgateuk.com/leadershipacademy
Kingswood University Sussex, NB Canada 1 www.kingswood.edu/
Klostermuehle - Deutschsprachiges Zentrum der Fackeltraeger Obernhof, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany 0 www.fackeltraeger.de
Koinonia Theological Seminary Davao City Philippines 1
Kõrgem Usuteaduslik Seminar Tallinn Estonia 2 kus.kogudused.ee
Krelinger Studienzentrum Walsrode Germany 0 www.krelinger-studienzentrum.de
KTEE YOUNG DEUNG PO KU, SEOUL Korea (South) 5 www.ktee.org
Kuban Evangelical Christian University г. Кра??нодар. Russian Federation 3 www.kecu.ru
Kuyper College Grand Rapids, MI United States 0 www.kuyper.edu
L'Institut Biblique du Benin Cotonou Benin 0 institutbibliquedubenin.org
Laidlaw College Auckland New Zealand 8 www.laidlaw.ac.nz
Lamb's Institute of Field Evangelism Tamil Nadu, India 0
Lancaster Bible College Lanham, MD United States 0 www.lbc.edu/
Lancaster Bible College Pennsylvania United States 0 www.lbc.edu/
Langley Institute of Ministry Bucks United Kingdom 1 www.langleyinstituteofministry.org.uk
Lanka Bible College & Seminary Peradeniya Sri Lanka 1 www.lbcs.edu.lk
Latvian Biblical Centre Riga Latvia 0 www.bible.lv
LeaderSource Elkhart, IN China (People's Republic of) 0 leadersource.org
Lebenszentrum Adelshofen/Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen Eppingen Germany 0 www.lza.de
LFTW (Life For The World Trust) Keynsham United Kingdom 4 www.lftw.org
Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary Paynesville Liberia 0 lbtseminary.org
LICC Ltd London United Kingdom 1 www.licc.org.uk
Life Bible Institute Nugegoda Sri Lanka 1
Life Pacific College San Dimas, CA United States 24 www.lifepacific.edu
Lights in Every Street Westminster United Kingdom 1 www.lightsineverystreet.org
London School of Theology Northwood United Kingdom 10 www.lst.ac.uk
Louisville Bible College Louisville, KY United States 5 https://www.louisvillebible.net/
Luthersk Missions Hoeskole Hillerod, Hovedstaden Denmark 0 www.lmh.dk
Maharashtra Bible College Maharashtra India 2 www.mbcbodwad.org
Malawi Assemblies of God University Lilongwe Malawi 4 www.magu.ac.mw
Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary Penang Malaysia 0 www.mbts.net.my
Malyon College Brisbane, Queensland Australia 9 www.malyon.edu.au
Manhattan Christian College Manhattan United States 21 www.mccks.edu/academics/online-degrees
Maranatha Bible Training Institute & College Chennai Tamil Nadu India 2 mbtic.net/
Maranatha Theological Seminary Hyderabad India 3 www.mvsamajam.org
Maranatha University College Accra - North Ghana 4 www.maranathauniversity.org/
Maranatha Veda Patasala-Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh, India 4
Martin Bucer Theological Seminary and Research Institutes Bonn Germany 1 www.bucer.org