Zürich |
Switzerland |
1 |
www.igw.edu |
Imo state |
Nigeria |
0 |
Indian Christian Research Organization |
Trivandrum |
India |
0 |
www.icro-india.org |
Indian Institute of Missiology |
Tamil Nadu, |
India |
1 |
iNet Trust |
London |
United Kingdom |
0 |
www.inet-trust.org |
Institut Biblique Baptiste de Moretan |
Lome |
Togo |
10 |
Institut Biblique de Nogent sur Marne |
Nogent sur Marne |
France |
0 |
www.ibnogent.org |
Institut Biblique et Missionnaire Emmaus |
- |
Switzerland |
1 |
- |
Institut Biblique Maranatha |
Bobo Dioulasso |
Burkina Faso |
1 |
www.burkinaalliance.org/MBI.html |
Institut de Théologie Évangélique Esdras ( ITEE) |
Bangui |
Central African Republic |
0 |
www.feef.org |
Institut Evangelique Education - Appui Conseil International |
Atlantique |
Benin |
1 |
crmaieeaci.store |
Institut für Gemeindebau und Weltmission (IGW) Deutschland |
Essen |
Germany |
1 |
www.de.igw.edu |
Institut Missiologique du Sahel (IMS) |
Ouagadougou |
Burkina Faso |
5 |
www.IMSahel.org |
Institut Théologique du Soir |
Paris |
France |
1 |
www.itsparis.org |
Institute for the Development of Languages and Translation |
00100 Nairobi |
Kenya |
2 |
sil-africa-lps.org/ |
Institute for Theological Education by Extension in India |
India |
4 |
Institute of Biblical Leadership and Skills training |
Kabwe, Central Province, Lusaka |
Zambia |
0 |
Institute of Middle East Studies at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary |
Maten |
Lebanon |
1 |
www.abtslebanon.org/mrel |
Instituto Avancado de Teologia Miesperanza |
Piúma |
Brazil |
2 |
www.miesperanza.org.br |
Instituto Bíblico de Sofala |
Beira, Sofala |
Mozambique |
0 |
Instituto Biblico Misión de Dios P.R. |
Canovanas |
Puerto Rico |
0 |
Instituto Bíblico Português |
S. Antão do Tojal |
Portugal |
2 |
www.ibp-aee.org/ |
Instituto Missionário Palavra da Vida |
Benevides-PA |
Brazil |
0 |
www.pvnorte.com.br |
Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango |
Lubango, Huila |
Angola |
3 |
hopeforangola.org/ |
INTEP (Instituto Teológico Práctico) | y: Río-para-Cristo |
Pucallpa |
Peru |
1 |
International Apostolic Bible College |
Kolding, Syddanmark |
Denmark |
4 |
www.iabc.dk |
International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS) |
1061 AX Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
1 |
www.ibts.eu/ |
International House of Prayer University |
Grandview, MO |
United States |
8 |
www.ihop.org/eschool |
International Institute of Missions and Biblical Studies |
P.O.Box 11334 Enugu |
Nigeria |
2 |
iimbs.com.ng |
International Leadership University |
Nairobi |
Kenya |
1 |
www.kenya.ilu.edu/ |
International Reformed University and Seminary |
California |
United States |
0 |
www.iruniv.org/ |
International Training Alliance |
Galapagar |
United Kingdom |
1 |
https://wetrainleaders.org/ |
International Training Network |
Christchurch |
United Kingdom |
7 |
www.itnuk.com |
Internationale Hochschule Liebenzell |
Bad Liebenzell (Baden-Württemberg) |
Germany |
5 |
www.ihl.eu |
InToMission |
Gelderland |
Netherlands |
0 |
www.intomission.nl |
IPC Theological Seminary Kottayam |
Kerala |
India |
1 |
www.ipcseminary.com |
Irish Baptist College |
Moira |
United Kingdom |
4 |
www.irishbaptistcollege.co.uk |
Israel College of the Bible |
Jerusalem |
Israel |
10 |
www.israelcollege.com |
Istituto Biblico Evangelico Italiano |
Roma |
Italy |
2 |
www.ibei.it/ |
ISTL International Seminary of Theology and Leadership |
Lufingen |
Switzerland |
1 |
www.istl.ch |
ITEEN Institute for Theological Education by Extension in Nepal |
Kathmandu |
Nepal |
5 |
www.iteen.org.np |
Jerusalem University College |
Ohio |
Israel |
5 |
Jesus College, Kathmandu International University |
Kathmandu Valley |
Nepal |
0 |
www.himalayanmission.com |
Jesus Kingdom Ministries |
Caprivi region |
Namibia |
0 |
Johnson University Florida |
Kissimmee, FL |
United States |
15 |
www.JohnsonU.edu/FL |
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary |
Amman |
Jordan |
7 |
www.jets.edu |
Jubilee Centre |
United Kingdom |
1 |
www.jubilee-centre.org |
Jubilee Memorial Bible College |
Chennai, Tamilnadu |
India |
3 |
www.jmbc.ac.in |
Jubilee Training Centre (Jubilee Church) |
Maidstone |
United Kingdom |
1 |
www.jubileetc.org.uk |
Judson Education Center aka Judson Bible College |
Laurel |
United States |
1 |
www.judsonbiblecollege.us |
Judson Education Center aka Judson Bible College |
Elkridge, MD |
United States |
2 |
www.jecbc.org |
Justo Mwale Theological University College |
Lusaka |
Zambia |
1 |
www.justomwale.net |
Kairos Connexion |
Liverpool |
United Kingdom |
1 |
https://www.kairosconnexion.org |
Karnataka Institute of Theology |
Bangalore, Karnataka |
India |
2 |
www.agkit.in |
Kentucky Mountain Bible College |
Jackson, KY |
United States |
20 |
www.kmbc.edu |
Kenya Bible Theological College |
Limuru |
Kenya |
1 |
https://www.kbtc.ac.ke/ |
Kenya Highlands Evangelical University |
Kericho |
Kenya |
1 |
www.khbc.ac.ke/ |
Kerala Christian Theological Seminary |
Kerala |
India |
2 |
www.pvalexanderministries.org/seminary |
Kerala Theological Seminary |
Kottarakara, Kerala |
India |
4 |
www.ktseminary.org |
Kima International School of Theology |
Maseno |
Kenya |
3 |
www.kimaisot.com/ |
King's Evangelical Divinity School |
Broadstairs, |
Afghanistan |
4 |
www.kingsdivinity.org/ |
Kingdom School |
Delhi |
India |
0 |
KingsGate Community Church |
Peterborough |
United Kingdom |
0 |
www.kingsgateuk.com/leadershipacademy |
Kingswood University |
Sussex, NB |
Canada |
1 |
www.kingswood.edu/ |
Klostermuehle - Deutschsprachiges Zentrum der Fackeltraeger |
Obernhof, Rheinland-Pfalz |
Germany |
0 |
www.fackeltraeger.de |
Koinonia Theological Seminary |
Davao City |
Philippines |
1 |
Kõrgem Usuteaduslik Seminar |
Tallinn |
Estonia |
2 |
kus.kogudused.ee |
Krelinger Studienzentrum |
Walsrode |
Germany |
0 |
www.krelinger-studienzentrum.de |
Korea (South) |
5 |
www.ktee.org |
Kuban Evangelical Christian University |
г. Кра??нодар. |
Russian Federation |
3 |
www.kecu.ru |
Kuyper College |
Grand Rapids, MI |
United States |
0 |
www.kuyper.edu |
L'Institut Biblique du Benin |
Cotonou |
Benin |
0 |
institutbibliquedubenin.org |
Laidlaw College |
Auckland |
New Zealand |
8 |
www.laidlaw.ac.nz |
Lamb's Institute of Field Evangelism |
Tamil Nadu, |
India |
0 |
Lancaster Bible College |
Lanham, MD |
United States |
0 |
www.lbc.edu/ |
Lancaster Bible College |
Pennsylvania |
United States |
0 |
www.lbc.edu/ |
Langley Institute of Ministry |
Bucks |
United Kingdom |
1 |
www.langleyinstituteofministry.org.uk |
Lanka Bible College & Seminary |
Peradeniya |
Sri Lanka |
1 |
www.lbcs.edu.lk |
Latvian Biblical Centre |
Riga |
Latvia |
0 |
www.bible.lv |
LeaderSource |
Elkhart, IN |
China (People's Republic of) |
0 |
leadersource.org |
Lebenszentrum Adelshofen/Theologisches Seminar Adelshofen |
Eppingen |
Germany |
0 |
www.lza.de |
LFTW (Life For The World Trust) |
Keynsham |
United Kingdom |
4 |
www.lftw.org |
Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary |
Paynesville |
Liberia |
0 |
lbtseminary.org |
LICC Ltd |
London |
United Kingdom |
1 |
www.licc.org.uk |
Life Bible Institute |
Nugegoda |
Sri Lanka |
1 |
Life Pacific College |
San Dimas, CA |
United States |
24 |
www.lifepacific.edu |
Lights in Every Street |
Westminster |
United Kingdom |
1 |
www.lightsineverystreet.org |
London School of Theology |
Northwood |
United Kingdom |
10 |
www.lst.ac.uk |
Louisville Bible College |
Louisville, KY |
United States |
5 |
https://www.louisvillebible.net/ |
Luthersk Missions Hoeskole |
Hillerod, Hovedstaden |
Denmark |
0 |
www.lmh.dk |
Maharashtra Bible College |
Maharashtra |
India |
2 |
www.mbcbodwad.org |
Malawi Assemblies of God University |
Lilongwe |
Malawi |
4 |
www.magu.ac.mw |
Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary |
Penang |
Malaysia |
0 |
www.mbts.net.my |
Malyon College |
Brisbane, Queensland |
Australia |
9 |
www.malyon.edu.au |
Manhattan Christian College |
Manhattan |
United States |
21 |
www.mccks.edu/academics/online-degrees |
Maranatha Bible Training Institute & College |
Chennai Tamil Nadu |
India |
2 |
mbtic.net/ |
Maranatha Theological Seminary |
Hyderabad |
India |
3 |
www.mvsamajam.org |
Maranatha University College |
Accra - North |
Ghana |
4 |
www.maranathauniversity.org/ |
Maranatha Veda Patasala-Hyderabad |
Andhra Pradesh, |
India |
4 |
Martin Bucer Theological Seminary and Research Institutes |
Bonn |
Germany |
1 |
www.bucer.org |