École Supérieure de Théologie Évangélique «Shalom» |
N'djamena - Moussa |
Chad |
0 |
mission-chad.org/estes.html |
ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro |
Kaduna State |
Nigeria |
5 |
www.kagoroseminary.com |
Campinas - SP |
Brazil |
2 |
www.eetad.com.br |
Minneapolis MN |
United States |
0 |
equip.efca.org |
Ellel Ministries |
Lancaster |
United Kingdom |
3 |
www.ellel.org |
Emmanuel Bible College |
Kitchener, Ontario |
Canada |
18 |
www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca |
Emmanuel Bible College Distance Education |
Kitchener, Ontario |
Canada |
9 |
emmanuelbiblecollege.ca |
Emmanuel Christian Fellowship Centre |
Patna Bihar |
India |
1 |
hopeindiamission.org |
Emmaus Bible College |
Dubuque, IA |
United States |
14 |
www.emmaus.edu/ |
Escola de Pastores da Primeira Igreja Batista de Atibaia (EPPIBA) |
Atibaia/São Paulo |
Brazil |
1 |
www.eppiba.org.br |
Escola Teológica Batista Livre (ETBL) |
Campinas |
Brazil |
2 |
www.etbl.com.br |
Escuela de Misiones del Seminario Biblico del Uruguay |
Montevideo |
Uruguay |
1 |
www.seminariobiblico.com/ |
San Sebastian |
Costa Rica |
4 |
www.esepa.org |
Eston College |
Eston, SK |
Canada |
5 |
www.estoncollege.ca |
Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology |
Addis Ababa |
Ethiopia |
0 |
www.egst-addis.org |
ethiopian kaleheywet evangelical college soddo |
Ethiopia(SNNP) |
Ethiopia |
0 |
ekecs |
European Nazarene College |
Linsengericht |
Germany |
2 |
www.eunc.edu |
European Theological Seminary |
Freudenstadt |
Germany |
3 |
www.ets-kniebis.de |
European Training Programme German Campus |
Burbach |
Germany |
5 |
www.eurotp.org |
EVAK - Evangelikale Akademie Österreich |
Wien |
Austria |
3 |
www.evak.at |
Evangel Seminary |
Kowloon |
China (Hong Kong) |
4 |
www.evs.edu.hk |
Evangel Theological Seminary |
Kiev |
Ukraine |
0 |
www.evangelts.org |
Evangelical Bible College of Malawi |
Southern Region |
Malawi |
1 |
www.ebcom-malawi.org |
Evangelical College of Theology |
Manipur 795126 |
India |
3 |
www.ecchurch.co.in/index.php |
Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa |
South Africa |
2 |
www.essa.ac.za |
Evangelical Theological College |
Addis Ababa |
Ethiopia |
0 |
www.etcollege.org |
Evangelical Theological Seminary |
Osijek |
Croatia |
1 |
www.evtos.hr |
Evangelical University |
Ndola |
Zambia |
3 |
www.evangelicaluniversity.ac.zm |
Evangelisch College |
Zwijndrecht, Zuid Holland |
Netherlands |
8 |
www.evangelisch-college.nl |
Evangelische Hochschule Tabor |
Marburg |
Germany |
4 |
www.eh-tabor.de |
Evangelische Theologische Faculteit (ETF) |
Leuven |
Belgium |
6 |
www.etf.edu |
Evangeliškas Biblijos Institutas |
Šiaulių r. |
Lithuania |
2 |
https://lkf.lt |
Evangelistenschule Johanneum |
42281 Wuppertal |
Germany |
1 |
www.johanneum.net |
Evanđeoski Teološki Fakultet |
Osijek |
Croatia |
2 |
www.evtos.hr/ |
Every Nation Leadership Institute |
Manila |
Philippines |
0 |
www.victory.org.ph |
Exus - Discipulado Extremo |
Chihuahua, Chih |
Mexico |
1 |
www.exusdex.com |
Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana |
Brazil |
2 |
www.ftsa.edu.br |
Facultad Cristiana Teológica de Venezuela a.c. |
Venezuela |
6 |
www.facultadcristiana.org.ve |
Facultad Teológica Latinoamericana |
Lima |
Peru |
1 |
www.fatela.org |
Faculté de Théologie Biblique des Freres |
Central African Republic |
0 |
Faculté de Théologie Évangélique de Bangui |
Bangui |
Central African Republic |
1 |
www.fateb.net/ |
Campinas - SP |
Brazil |
1 |
www.faetad.com.br |
Fambani African Missions |
South Africa |
1 |
www.topicsa.net |
Family of Faith College |
Shawnee, OK |
United States |
4 |
www.familyoffaithcollege.edu/ |
Buenos Aires |
Argentina |
2 |
www.fiet.com.ar |
Filadelfhia Bible College |
Udaipur, Rajasthan |
India |
3 |
Finnish Institute of Theology |
10900 Hanko. |
Finland |
2 |
www.teologinenopisto.fi |
Fjellhaug International University College |
Oslo |
Norway |
2 |
fih.fjellhaug.no/ |
ForMission College |
Birmingham |
United Kingdom |
2 |
www.formission.org.uk/ |
Församlingsfakulteten (Lutheran School of Theology) |
Göteborg |
Sweden |
3 |
www.ffg.se/ |
Foundation University |
Amsterdam |
Netherlands |
0 |
www.foundationuniversity.com |
Foursquare Gospel Church In Nigeria |
Lagos State |
Nigeria |
0 |
www.lifeseminary.org |
Freie Theologische Hochschule Gießen (FTH) |
Giessen |
Germany |
2 |
www.fthgiessen.de |
Friedrich-Hauß-Studienzentrum |
Schriesheim |
Germany |
1 |
www.fhsz.de |
Friends Theological College |
Tiriki |
Kenya |
7 |
ftc.quaker.org |
Frontiers Korea |
Seoul |
Korea (South) |
0 |
www.frontiers.or.kr |
Fruit Of Life Ministry |
Cairo |
Egypt |
0 |
FTLT - Focus Team Leadership Training |
Pretoria |
South Africa |
0 |
www.ftlt.org |
Fullstature College of the Bible and Missions |
Nigeria |
3 |
www.fullstature.net |
Fundación Universitaria Bautista |
Cali, Valle |
Colombia |
2 |
www.funibautista.edu.co |
Fundación Universitaria Seminario Bíblico de Colombia |
Medellín, Antioquia |
Colombia |
2 |
www.unisbc.edu.co |
Gaba Bible Institute |
Kampala |
Uganda |
7 |
www.africarenewaluniversity.org |
Galilean Outreach |
Dimapur,Nagaland |
India |
1 |
George Whitefield College |
Cape Town |
South Africa |
4 |
www.gwc.ac.za |
Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa e.V. |
33813 Oerlinghausen |
Germany |
1 |
www.gbfe.org |
Ghana Baptist University College |
Abuakwa-Kumasi |
Ghana |
1 |
www.gbuc.edu.gh |
Ghana Christian University College |
Accra |
Ghana |
11 |
www.ghanacu.com |
Gifts Of Hope Bible College |
Villupuram dt,Tamilnadu |
India |
2 |
Gilead Evangelical Theological Seminary |
Bangaluru |
India |
2 |
Gileadministriesindia.org |
Global Ethnodoxology Network - GEN |
Dallas, TX |
United States |
2 |
www.worldofworship.org |
Global Frontier Missions |
Clarkston |
United States |
1 |
missionarytrainingschool.com |
GLOBAL Intent |
James Bay BC |
United States |
2 |
www.intent.org |
Global Missionary Training Center (GMTC) |
Seoul |
Korea (South) |
2 |
www.gmtc.or.kr |
God's Bible School & College |
Cincinnati, Ohio |
United States |
1 |
www.gbs.edu |
GOFAMINT School For World Mission |
Ibadan |
Nigeria |
0 |
Good News Mission |
Tirunelveli |
India |
1 |
www.goodnewsmissionbiblecollege.org |
Grace Bible College |
Churachandpur,Manipur, |
India |
2 |
www.gracebiblecollege.in |
Grace College of Divinity |
Fayetteville, NC |
United States |
7 |
www.gcd.edu |
Grace Mission University (그레???스 미션 대학) |
Fullerton, CA |
United States |
1 |
www.gm.edu |
Great Commission India Trust |
Kerala, South India |
India |
2 |
Great Lakes Christian College |
Lansing MI |
United States |
10 |
www.glcc.edu/ |
Greek Bible College |
Attiki, |
Greece |
0 |
www.grbc.gr |
Hanoi Bible College | Trường Thánh Kinh Thần Học Hà Nội |
Hanoi |
Vietnam |
0 |
https://www.hbc.edu.vn |
Harare Theological College |
Harare |
Zimbabwe |
3 |
www.htc.ac.zw |
Harvest Bible College |
Scoresby, Victoria |
Australia |
9 |
www.harvest.edu.au |
Heritage Christian University |
Florence, AL |
United States |
1 |
www.hcu.edu |
Heritage College & Seminary |
Canada |
39 |
https://discoverheritage.ca |
Hindustan Bible Institute & College |
Tamil Nadu |
India |
1 |
hbionline.org |
Hobe Sound Bible College |
Hobe Sound, Fl |
United States |
14 |
www.hsbc.edu |
Hokkaido Bible Institute |
Sapporo, Hokkaido |
Japan |
2 |
www15.plala.or.jp/bible-hbi |
Hope International University |
Fullerton, CA |
United States |
10 |
www.hiu.edu |
Horizon College and Seminary |
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan |
Canada |
79 |
www.horizon.edu |
Horizon College of San Diego |
California |
United States |
0 |
www.horizoncollege.org/ |
Horizonte Weltweit / TheMA |
Barleben |
Germany |
0 |
www.horizonte-weltweit.de/thema |
Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College |
Wheaton, IL |
United States |
1 |
www.wheaton.edu/hdi |
Huntsville Bible College |
Alabama |
United States |
0 |
www.hbc1.edu/ |
IBEI - Italian Evangelical Bible Institute |
Roma |
Italy |
1 |
www.ibei.it |
IBICAMP - Instituto Biblico de Campinas |
Campinas SP |
Brazil |
2 |
www.ibicamp.com.br |
Ichthus Christian Fellowship |
London |
United Kingdom |
3 |
www.ichthus.org.uk |
IFC - Escola de Ministérios |
Vinhedo - São Paulo |
Brazil |
2 |
www.ifcescola.org |