A searchable multi-lingual database of evangelical Bible colleges - and pastoral, theological and missionary training programmes, courses and resources world-wide - to help you find the training you need to serve the Lord.

Directory of Organisations

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Training Provider
(click below for details of courses)
Location Country Courses Registered Website
Brisbane School of Theology Brisbane Australia 10 bst.qld.edu.au
Bristol Baptist College Bristol United Kingdom 4 www.bristol-baptist.ac.uk
Brothers & Sisters in Christ / BASIC Institute Grapevine, TX India 2 www.basicministries.com
Buntain Theological College Kolkata India 5 www.agkolkata.org/buntain-theological-college
Business As Mission Resource Team Chiang Mai Thailand 1 www.businessasmission.com
Calvary Bible College Kansas City, MO United States 14 www.calvary.edu
Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary Northwest Province Cameroon 5 www.CBTSAfrica.org
Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary & College Cochrane, AB Canada 2 www.csbs.ca
Capernwray Australia NSW Australia 1 www.capernwrayaustralia.org
Capernwray Bible School Carnforth United Kingdom 3 www.capernwray.org.uk
Care for the Family Cardiff United Kingdom 0 www.careforthefamily.org.uk/working-with-families/training/positive-parenting
Carey Baptist College Auckland New Zealand 6 www.carey.ac.nz
Carey Theological College Vancouver Canada 13 www.carey-edu.ca
Caribbean College of the Bible International Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago 9 ccbi.org
Carolina Christian College Winston-Salem, NC United States 2 www.carolina.edu/
Carver College Atlanta, GA United States 5 www.carver.edu/
Catalyst Services Newtown United States 1 www.CatalystServices.org
CBAP-TEE (Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines--TEE) 1099 Manila Philippines 2
CEBESP - Centro Batista de Educação, Serviço e Pesquisa Araçatuba - SP Brazil 2 www.cebesp.org.br/novo/index.php
Center for Intercultural Training Rutherford County, North Carolina United States 2 www.cit-online.org
Center for Leadership Development Khonkaen Thailand 1 www.sspthai.org
Centre for Global Leadership Development Bangalore India 4 https://cgld.org
Centro de Treinamento Teológico Harland Graham Natal/RN Brazil 1 ctthg.com.br
Centro Educacional Evangélico ISBL Londrina - PR Brazil 1 www.isbl.org.br
Centro Evangélico de Treinamento e Discipulado Montes Claros, MG Brazil 1 www.mtclatino.org.br
Centro Presbiteriano de Pós-graduação Andrew Jumper São Paulo, SP Brazil 0 cpaj.mackenzie.br
Chil Chil Theological Seminary Manipur India 1
China Graduate School of Theology Kowloon China (Hong Kong) 0 www.cgst.edu
Christ Gospel Ministries Visakhapatnam / Andhra Pradesh India 3 www.cgcmi.org
Christian Concern for Muslims Pretoria South Africa 1 www.ccm.org.za
Christian Institute of Management Chennai India 1 www.cimindia.in
Christian Leadership Training Center Darhan Uul Aimag Mongolia 5
Christian Leadership Training Institute Dodowa, Accra Ghana 1 cltigh.org
Christian Reformed Theological Seminary Bronkhorstspruit South Africa 1 www.cgts.co.za
Christian Reformed World Missions in Mexico Guadalajara Mexico 0
Christian Renewal Theological Seminary Vizianagaram, AP India 1 www.mercymissionvzm.in
Christian Service University College Kumasi Ghana 1 www.csuc.edu.gh/csuc/
Christian Theological Seminary,Ibadan,Oyostate Oyo Nigeria 1 www.ctsng.webs.com
Christliche Bildungsstätte Fritzlar 34560 Fritzlar Germany 1 www.cb-f.de
Christliches Bildungszentrum Erzgebirge (ehemals Bibelschule Burgstädt) Oelsnitz/ Erzgebirge Germany 1 christliches-bildungszentrum.de/
Church of the Believers, Inc. C&MA Monrovia Liberia 0
Church Strengthening Ministry Parañaque City, Metro Manila Philippines 1 www.csm-publishing.com
Cincinnati Christian University Cincinnati United States 1 www.CCUniversity.edu/elearn
City Vision College Kansas City International (e.g. distance learning) 28 www.cityvision.edu
Clarks Summit University Clarks Summit, PA United States 5 www.summitu.edu
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College Pineville, KY United States 2 www.ccbbc.edu
Cliff College Nr Sheffield United Kingdom 1 www.cliffcollege.ac.uk
CMM Burkina Ouagadougou Burkina Faso 0 -
CMS Oxford United Kingdom 1 pioneer.cms-uk.org
CoachNet Global, LLC North Olmsted, Ohio United States 0 CoachNet.org
Colegiul Biblic Est European (CBEE) Oradea, Bihor Romania 0 www.cbee.ro/
College of Biblical Studies Houston, TX United States 0 www.cbshouston.edu
College of Christian Theology of Bangladesh Savar, Dhaka Bangladesh 4 www.cctb.org.bd
College of Theology & Education, Chisinau Chisinau Moldova 2 www.binook.com/moldovacte/
Colombo Theological Seminary Kohuwela, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka 3 www.cts.lk
Columbia Bible College British Columbia Canada 5 www.columbiabc.edu/
Columbia International University Distance Education Columbia United States 48 www.ciu.edu/distance
COMIBAM Cono Sur OLIVOS, Buenos Aires Argentina 0
Conducidos con Proposito - Purpose Driven Latin America Bogota, D.C. International (e.g. distance learning) 0 www.conducidosconproposito.com
Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training BEUGEN Netherlands 4 www.cornerstonecollege.eu
Corporacón Instituto Para La Educación Pastoral Sincelejo, Sucre Colombia 1
Counties Westbury United Kingdom 1 www.countiesuk.org
CPAS Sir William Lyons Road United Kingdom 2 www.cpas.org.uk
Cranmer Hall, St John's College, Durham Durham United Kingdom 2 www.cranmerhall.com
Create International (Youth With A Mission) Chiang Mai Thailand 5 www.createinternational.com
Creative Results Management Lacey, WA International (e.g. distance learning) 1 www.creativeresultsmanagement.com
Crosslands Newcastle Upon Tyne United Kingdom 3 https://www.crosslands.training/
Crossroads College Rochester, MN United States 6 www.crossroadscollege.edu/
Crosswired Phnom Penh Cambodia 0 www.crosswired.com
CultureBound Portland United States 0
Dallas Christian College Dallas, Texas United States 1 www.dallas.edu
Dansk Bibel-Institut København K Denmark 1 www.dbi.edu
DanskOase Odder, Midtjylland Denmark 0 www.danskoase.dk
Davis College Johnson City, NY United States 5 www.davisny.edu/
De Wittenberg Nederland Netherlands 1 www.dewittenberg.nl
Denver Seminary Littleton, CO United States 0 www.denverseminary.edu
Development Learning Shropshire United Kingdom 2
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Helsinki Finland 0 www.diak.fi/
Die Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte 51643 Gummersbach Germany 0 www.acf.de/
Disciple Making Mentors Fayetteville United States 1 4dmm.org
Disciple Nations Alliance Phoenix International (e.g. distance learning) 2 www.disciplenations.org
Discipleship And Leadership Ministries CHENNAI India 9 dlmindia.org
Discipleship Bible College Dimapur, Nagaland India 2 dbcdimapur.com/
Discipleship Bible School Lahore , Pakistan Pakistan 0 www.bethelchurchpk.com
Discipleship Training Centre Singapore Singapore 1 www.dtc.org.sg
Distance Theological Education by Extension Mt Hagen WHP Papua New Guinea 4 www.cltc.ac.pg/distance-training-education/
Domboshawa Theological College Harare Zimbabwe 0 www.domboshawa.org
Doon Bible College Dehradun Uttrakhand India 0
Dorset Christian Fellowship Dorchester United Kingdom 1 www.missionarytraining.org
Doulos Bible Institute Mawkhar Shilong-Meghalaya India 2
DTS en Español Dallas, Texas International (e.g. distance learning) 1 https://www.dts.edu/espanol/
DualReach Dana Point, CA United States 1 www.dualreach.org
East Asia School of Theology Singapore Singapore 5 www.east.edu.sg
Eastern Bible College Nagaland India 2 www.ebcdimapur.com
Eastern College Australia Melbourne Australia 4 www.tabor.vic.edu.au
Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies Taupiri New Zealand 4 www.eastwest.ac.nz
Ebenezer Bible Colllege Kottayam, Kerala State India 0 ebenezerbiblecollege.org
Ebenezer Theological Seminary Kerala India 7 www.etsindia1997.com
Ecclesia College Springdale, AR United States 2 www.ecollege.edu/
Ecole de Formation Biblique et Agricole de Banankélédaga BOBO-DIOULASSO Burkina Faso 0