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Fjellhaug International University College

Programme Detail: Bachelor in Theology and Mission

Language of this entry English (UK, International)
Name of Programme / Training Resource Bachelor in Theology and Mission
Type of Training Programme with multiple subsidiary courses
Reference Number FIH1
Description Bachelorgraden i teologi og misjon er et treårig studieløp som kvalifiserer til ulike arbeidsoppgaver hvor kristen formidling står sentralt. Eksempler på dette er misjonærtjeneste, barne- og ungdomsarbeid og en rekke ulike stillinger innenfor kristne organisasjoner og kirkesamfunn. Studiet som helhet setter søkelyset på Bibelen, den kristne tro, og den kristne kirkes oppdrag nasjonalt og internasjonalt i møte med ulike livssyn og kulturer. Bachelorgraden vil også kunne lede frem til videre studier innen teologi. Opptakskravet er generell studiekompetanse eller realkompetanse. Bachelor, 1. studieår KRL-101 Bibelvitenskap (20 stp/ECTS) KRL-102 Kirkehistorie (10 stp/ECTS) KRL-103 Systematisk teologi (10 stp/ECTS) KRL-104 Religions- og livssynskunnskap (10 stp/ECTS) EX-100 Examen philosophicum (10 stp/ECTS) Bachelor, 2. studieår KRL-211 Deuteronomium (5 stp/ECTS) KRL-212 Johannesevangeliet (5 stp/ECTS) KRL-213 Misjonshistorie (5 stp/ECTS) KRL-214 Bekjennelsens teologi (5 stp/ECTS) EX-110 Examen facultatum (10 stP/ECTS) GRE-151 Nytestamentlig gresk (20 stp/ECTS) NT-201 Fordypning i Det Nye Testamente (10 stp/ECTS) Bachelor, 3. studieår MIS-201 Misjonsteologi – bibelteologisk og systematisk-teologisk (10 stp/ECTS) MIS-202 Utfordringer i møte med andre kulturer (10 stp/ECTS) MIS-203 Kultur og kommunikasjon (10 stp/ECTS) PT-201 Menighet og forkynnelse (10 stp/ECTS) PT-202 Sjelesorg (5 stp/ECTS) PT-203 Praksis med feltstudium (5 stp/ECTS) PT-205 Diakoni (5 stp/ECTS) PT-206 Praktisk formidling (5 stp/ECTS) HEB-151 Bibelhebraisk (20 stp/ECTS)
Languages Programme Available in Norwegian
Other Languages
Country and region where programme is available Norway / Oslo
Area of Ministry and Focus Bible Teaching and Training / Old Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / New Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / Interpretation and Study Methods; Bible Teaching and Training / Theology; Bible Teaching and Training / Biblical Languages; Mission and Evangelism / Cross-Cultural Mission and History
Residential/Non Residential Residential
Full-time or Part-time Full-time
Level Degree
Cost Range US$100,000 or more
Actual Cost Spør oss
Bursaries/scholarships available No
Actual Length 3 år
Average hours of study per week 0
Methods of instruction
Percentage of time spent in formal learning (e.g. lectures, structured reading, work-books, etc.)
Percentage of time spent on non-formal skill-based learning (e.g. learning on the job and supervised practice, etc.)
Percentage of time spent in informal unstructured learning (e.g. prayer times, teamwork).
Average number of students who take the programme per year (or, if this is a new programme, the number who can be accommodated) 0
Prerequisite Programmes
Other Prerequisites
Qualifications gained
Qualifications this programme is part of
Programme Accredited by ECTE (Europe)
Other Accrediting Bodies NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education)