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De Wittenberg

Programme Detail: Inside-out

Language of this entry Dutch
Name of Programme / Training Resource Inside-out
Type of Training Individual standalone programme
Reference Number
Description Inside-out is een traject van 5 maanden voor jongeren van 17 - 25 jaar die willen nadenken over zichzelf, hun relatie met God en hun toekomst. Wanneer je kiest voor Inside-out, dan kies je voor leven vanuit je hart. Tijdens vijf maanden denk je na over het doel en de zin van je leven. Waar liggen jouw talenten en passies? Welke drijfveren zijn voor jou belangrijk in je werk of studie? Wij geloven dat je pas echt goede keuzes kunt maken in je leven, als je weet wie jezelf bent. Je bestudeert de Bijbel en denkt na over wat het geloof voor jou betekent. Daarbij hoort ook het luisteren naar én het betrekken van God bij het maken van keuzes voor je toekomst.
Keywords bijbel, verdieping, missionair, toerusting, persoonlijk, vorming, identiteit, christen
Languages Programme Available in Dutch
Other Languages
Country and region where programme is available Netherlands / Countrywide
Area of Ministry and Focus Bible Teaching and Training / Old Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / New Testament; Bible Teaching and Training / Interpretation and Study Methods; Bible Teaching and Training / Theology; Bible Teaching and Training / Ethics; Bible Teaching and Training / Discipling and Training Others; Bible Teaching and Training / Church History; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Prayer; Prayer, Worship and Spiritual Gifts / Worship; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Children's Ministry; Pastoral Encouragement and Counselling / Youth and Students Ministry; Personal Life and Holiness / Introduction to the Christian Faith; Personal Life and Holiness / Personal and Family Holiness; Personal Life and Holiness / Fellowship and Interpersonal Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Evangelism and Apologetics; Mission and Evangelism / Church Planting and Multiplication; Mission and Evangelism / Missionary Team Care and Skills; Mission and Evangelism / Short-Term Mission; Transforming Society (Leadership, Education, Government) / Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
Residential/Non Residential Residential
Full-time or Part-time Full-time
Level Certificate
Cost Range US$100,000 or more
Actual Cost 4.700,00
Bursaries/scholarships available
Actual Length 5 maanden
Average hours of study per week 32
Methods of instruction Colleges volgen, coachingsgesprekken, wonen en studeren samen, stage lopen, praktijkervaring opdoen
Percentage of time spent in formal learning (e.g. lectures, structured reading, work-books, etc.) 10
Percentage of time spent on non-formal skill-based learning (e.g. learning on the job and supervised practice, etc.) 10
Percentage of time spent in informal unstructured learning (e.g. prayer times, teamwork). 12
Average number of students who take the programme per year (or, if this is a new programme, the number who can be accommodated) 40
Prerequisite Programmes
Other Prerequisites Geen specifieke vooropleiding nodig.
Qualifications gained
Qualifications this programme is part of
Programme Accredited by
Other Accrediting Bodies