
Academy of Integrated Christian Studies

へようこそ。 Academy of Integrated Christian Studies

MISSION STATEMENT AICS is established with a mission to provide a Contextual, Biblical, Holistic and Quality theological education to men and women in order to meet the need of the churches in the twenty first century in North East India. Its commitment to the development of contextual theological education is to study and address issues arising from the context so that theological education may become relevant and effective. Its commitment to biblical theological education means loyalty to the biblical principle and values. Its commitment to Holistic Theological Education is indicated by the name of the College itself that AICS shall co-ordinate various programs to meet the needs of the churches in North East India. Its commitment to quality education means striving for maintaining the highest quality it could afford in all its programs from its inception. In all its activities, the name of the Lord alone shall be praised.


  • Asia Theological Association (ATA)