
Foundation University

へようこそ。 Foundation University

Foundation University is a private, non-governmental university based on the foundations of Christian faith. Foundation University is at the same time a social movement of providing Christian eduction in accessible, affordable and academic way for migrants, people from the developing world and all Christians worldwide. It once started in 1997 as a Bible correspondence school, now it is specialized in training Christians leaders to understand the complexity of the global developments and train them to participate in transforming their nations for the benefit of humanity as well as the Kingdom of God. Christian Higher Education is not be a luxury to only those who can afford thousands of Euros. However, Higher Education should be affordable, accessible, flexible to all the members of the human race across the globe and even on the long run; free for all! Education should be free for those genius and talented people who are for various economic, social or political reasons never have the chance to obtain higher education. We hope that through Foundation University we can play a role in opening the doors of Higher Education to specially those who could not afford to explore their skills and talents. We have special programs for migrants as well as to specially those who live in Europe and special sponsorship programs for those from the development countries.


  • EEAA (Europe)