
SARJ Schole

へようこそ。 SARJ Schole

Objective of Continuing Studies Educating contextual leaders in the holistic transformation of Jesus Christ and equipping them to one day “making disciples of every person in every culture and language??? ( especially in urban centers. Objective of Early Childhood Education Educating young children in the holistic transformation of Jesus Christ and equipping them to one day writing legibly and reading simple English sentences. The Program includes a study of foundational courses on theology of ministry, contextual model, skills, and resources of transformational leadership, and concept & practices of holistic ministry. It will also focus on broad courses related to urban mission & anthropology, development issues, resource management, community mobilization, congregational transformation, and pedagogies of contextualization. MTL101 Theology of Ministry MTL102 Transformation Theology MTL103 Filipino Baptists Model of Transformational Leadership MTL104 Kaupod: Ways of Contextual Mentoring MTL105 Core Skills in Transformational Leadership MTL106 Core Spiritual Resources for the Desert MTL107 Concepts & Practices of Holistic Ministry MTL201 Urban Mission & Anthropology MTL202 Congregational Transformation MTL203 Friend-Raising & Resources Management MTL204 Pedagogies of Contextualization MTL205 Strategies for Social/Community Mobilization MTL206 Seminar on Development Issues and Perspective


  • Asia Theological Association (ATA)
  • We are still in the process of looking for an organization to affiliate with.