
CoachNet Global, LLC

へようこそ。 CoachNet Global, LLC

CoachNet is a collaboration & multiplication organization. The things you do for God's kingdom, we want to come alongside you and help those things multiply. Our effectiveness is measured by the multiplication our work catalyzes. We've got to work with other people called to similar things...and that work has to produce the fruit of multiplication. Anything that doesn't work on these two levels is not something we should be a part of…It's all about the relationship. We do leadership development, using coaching and coach training as our primary application. Our clients are decision makers, primarily in the church and other faith-based arenas, but also some business applications. We work with visionaries. CoachNet is not about the same old, same old. Creative, cutting edge, built around relationships and collaboration. The challenge for leaders is to create environments that a) accomplish God's agenda, b) put God's people in positions where they can serve according to their gifts, and c) make each other better because of collaboration and mutual accountability. All the while, you have to build in multiplication on the DNA level. Your target is always a multiplication movement


  • ABHE (N. America)