
Institute of Biblical Leadership and Skills training

へようこそ。 Institute of Biblical Leadership and Skills training

IBLST Objectives In order to achieve the above goals and purpose, there is need for the centre to: • Provide a united action in promoting Biblical leadership training in all evangelic ministries of the local church, specifically for the rural church. • Provide lay leadership with and opportunity to attend training in their context. • Enabling pastors and many other leaders of the local church to equip and train others to do the work of ministry. • Take a united reasonable action whenever necessary, which awakens people on the danger of liberalization theology, cults and false religion that undermine the scriptural foundations of the gospel’s testimony and exhorting pastors and leaders in the local church to personal obedience and application. • Equipping and training local church leadership to handle and use the Word of God (rooted) properly and productively in preaching, teaching and counseling ministry (engaged).


  • (ZM) Ev. Fellowship of Zambia