Name of Programme / Training Resource |
Full-time or Part-time |
Academic Level |
Progressing Together 101: Overview of the Bible
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 102: Walking In The Light
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 103: The Christian's Resources
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 104: The Church
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 105: Persecution
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 106: Christian Ethics
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 107: Christian Relationships
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 108: The Foundation of our Faith
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 109: Spritiual Warfare and Occultism
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together 110: Christian Service
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together BIBL 201: Study Methods--1 Peter
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together BIBL 203: Exodus to Joshua: The Gospel in the Old Testament
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together BIBL 204: From Judges to Malachi: Preparation for a Saviour-King
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together BIBL 205: The four gospels: The coming of the Saviour Jesus Christ
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together BIBL 206: Acts + Letters of Paul: Salvation for all peoples
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together BIBL 207: Book Study: Romans (Theme: Salvation)
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together BIBL 208: Focused Study: The Prophets
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together BIBL 209: Focused Study: Psalms, Proverbs, Job
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together CHUR 201: The Life of the Church
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together CHUR 202: Ministries of the Church
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together CHUR 203: Character and qualities of a servant of God/Church Leadership
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together CHUR 204:Teaching in the church (1): Interpreting & applying the message of t
Part-time |
Introductory |
Progressing Together CHUR 205: Teaching in the church (2): Teaching from the Bible
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together CHUR 206: The History of the Church
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together CHUR 207: The History of the Church in North Africa
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 201: Overview of Doctrine
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 202: Revelation / Inspiration of the Bible
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 203: God, His nature and attributes
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 204: Christology
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 205: Creation and Fall
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 206: Salvation
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together DOCT 207: The Return of Christ and the Eternal State
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 201: Discipleship
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 202: New Identity & New Life in the Spirit
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 203: The family and marriage: The Christian model of relationships
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 204: The family and marriage: Witness and difficult situations
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 205: Society: Living for Christ in our Culture
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 206: Ethics
Part-time |
Certificate |
Progressing Together PRAT 207: Religions and Sects
Part-time |
Certificate |